Speech is an IHSA competitive activity that competes in 14 separate events that include public speaking, acting, radio, poetry, and current events. Participants get to choose what events they participate in and then select a piece to perform all season. Team members are expected to practice weekly. Competitions for individual and team performances are held throughout the winter season. There is also a separate competitive activity known as Performance in the Round or P.I.R, which is a 15 minute play that actors get to perform in a circle in front of judges.. This season, Mr. Rybarczyk has a great handful of actors and has a lot of freedom and creativity with the individual events and P.I.R. The team, the cast of the P.I.R. and individual events consists of:.
Talea Carter: Alex Hamilton (PIR)
Cameron Linares: Martha Jefferson (PIR)
Angelina Martinez: Dolly Madison (PIR)
Aldo Pozos: George Washington (PIR)
Kamyah Coffey: James Madison (PIR)
Maya Contreras: Eliza Hamilton (PIR) (Individual Event: Poetry)
Irving Martínez: Thomas Jefferson (PIR)
Esperanza Anaya: Individual Event: Poetry
Leah Castro: Individual Event: Humorous Duet w/ Bianca
Bianca Cisneros: Individual Event: Humorous Duet w/ Leah
This year, Mr. Rybarczyk and Mr. Salgado are eager to compete with the team, hoping that everyone does well and has a lot of fun. Speech has already been to a competition at Argo Community High School a couple of weeks ago. There will also be a Speech Festival here at Bremen High School where Bremen, Hillcrest, and Tinley Park High School students will compete against each other. Judges will be ranking instead of placing students. If a competitor does really well, they will receive a 1st Ranking medal. On Feb. 2nd. BHS will go to their first official competition for their Regionals at Eisenhower High School. For more information on the Speech team, please contact Mr. Rybarczyk or Mr. Salgado.