Bone was a captivating graphic novel that combines humor, adventure, and a rich narrative, along with a few laughs. The story follows the 3 main characters, the bone cousins, Fone Bone, Phoney Bone, and Smiley Bone. They navigate the mysterious valley after being driven from their hometown and the desert. The valley is filled with strange creatures, hidden dangers, and an ancient conflict brewing beneath the surface. The whimsical art style is deceptively simple, but made beautifully coherent with the depth of the world.
Fone Bone, the main character/protagonist, is a love ale and relatable character, while his cousins offer comic relief and chaos. The story’s pacing is engaging, effectively moving between light-hearted moments and darker, more intense scenes. The themes of friendship, loyalty, and courage are woven throughout the narrative so effortlessly it makes the entire story emotionally rich.
The side characters that play a huge role throughout the story include an average girl named Thorn, a mysterious young woman, and her old grandmother who races cows; these characters add to the complexity of heart within the story and create depth. Even in a fantasy setting some scenes felt real enough that I feel this book should be recommended to everyone of all ages. The action sequences are dynamic; they keep readers on edge while the artwork remains captivating throughout the entire story.
Bone balances humor and drama in a way that appeals to both younger and older audiences. It is an unforgettable journey, filled with twists and turns, that leaves readers wanting more! Overall I recommend this book to quite possibly everyone. This is such an amazing book that I believe should belong on everybody’s bookshelf. I appreciate and thank Jeff Smith for creating such a captivating, wonderful, and beautiful story for all to read!