After a successful 2023-2024 season, the Bremen Poms team is back for another exciting year. In addition to the Varsity team, Coaches Palmer and Pardol have now established a JV team due to the overwhelming number of dancers who attended tryouts.
Both Bremen Poms teams have been working hard all summer, practicing and perfecting their game day routines for the upcoming football season. “Although summer practices have been quite intense, it’s all rewarding at the end when we get to perform in front of a large audience,” explained Poms athlete Leah Castro.
This year, the coaches brought in UDA staff for two days of intensive, eight-hour training sessions. During this camp, both teams learned three game day routines to ensure high-quality performances. After a challenging start in the summer, both teams eventually mastered their routines and are now fully prepared. In addition to the shared routines, the Varsity team also learned an extra routine that features the Bremen Poms tradition, “Hoops.”
Both the Varsity and JV teams also collaborated on a special homecoming routine. Varsity Captain, Avery Ferrin says absolutely loves being part of this team. “I enjoy everything from practices, to my teammates and coaches. It wouldn’t be the same without our coaches’ smiles and determination. I strive to lead my friends and teammates to a successful season,” exclaimed Ferrin.
Now that the fall season is nearly over, both teams are shifting their focus to the competition season. Last year, the Bremen Varsity Poms secured 1st place at their conference, earning them the title of Blue Division Conference Champions. They were also just a few points shy of qualifying for the state competition.
This year, the Varsity team is determined to reclaim the top spot at the conference and finally secure a place at state. Maya Contreras looks forward to being part of Poms at the next level. Contreras can tell the difference when a team is more experienced. “I enjoyed watching the Bremen Varsity Poms team compete last year, their sharpness and cleanliness made me excited and eager for them to win!” exclaimed Contreras.
With 17 seniors across both teams, the athletes are eager to leave a lasting legacy and uphold the strong reputation of Bremen Poms before they graduate. None of this would be possible without the dedication and guidance of our beloved coaches, Ms. Brooke Palmer and Ms. Nicole Pardol.