Tips for a Successful Semester

Tips for a Successful Semester

Jastasha Hudson, Echo reporter

The first semester has come to an end, and a new one has begun.  In this new semester, one should put forth some new goals and create some new habits.  Put some thought and attention into bettering your work ethic and making this semester count!  Here are some tips to make your transition as easy as possible and the studying process a lot smoother:

 1. Reflect on the past semester

An excellent way to prepare for a new semester is to reflect on how successful the past semester went. Look at ways you can improve or how you want the future semester to go. Think about the things you could have done differently and would like to apply in the future.

Some things to consider:

  • Study Habits: Studying more or less? Take notes during class. Get tutoring help with Bremen’s online tutoring or create a study group.
  • Getting Organized: create checklists, organize assignments and due dates, or even designate a study space and time.
  • Improving Health: Getting enough sleep, eating healthy, or giving yourself room to breathe so you will not burn out is an excellent way to enhance your health.

2. Find a planning method that works for you

There are many ways to plan, whether it is a to-do list, bullet journaling, weekly/monthly calendar, or a digital planner. As you consider which option is best for you, settle for one that meets your needs and preferences. Take time to get to know yourself and the planner and give yourself an idea of how you will use it. 

3. Create a checklist

Creating a checklist makes everything a lot more manageable once written. One might create a list to note all assignments, keep track of upcoming deadlines, or record ideas and details from lessons and lectures.

4. Set a study schedule

A study schedule is an organized schedule that outlines the study times and learning goals. This schedule allows students to set dedicated time for studying. It may include dates of quizzes, tests, and exams, projects, and papers. 

To create a schedule, you must:

  • Analyze your current study habits and learning techniques: Are you able to study for hours or for twenty minutes twice each week? What time of day are you more productive? Is it easier to remember the information after learning it or taking a break and returning to it?
  • Estimate your time needed to study: Some of the courses you take may be more intensive than others. By calculating how much time you need to set aside for each class, you give yourself time to complete all of your assignments and prepare for exams. You can measure this with the syllabi your teachers assign at the beginning of the terms. 

5. Set goals for personal and academic growth

Goals are crucial for success. It helps build skills like planning, organization, and time management. There are three types of goals: specific, general, and long term goals.

  • Specific goals are goals that are well defined and clear. It outlines how you will reach a specific timestamp. An example of this is Molly wants to raise her grade in her spanish class from a C to a B by next month.
  • General goals are goals that can be “ I want to be more open-minded, or I want to be more confident in public speaking.
  • Long term goals are goals that you want to do in the future; these goals require time and planning.  It could be career related for example, I want to attend nursing school and become a nurse.

It is important to define how and why. By using how and why– using how and why you have concrete steps to achieve your goals and give yourself a reason why you want to do your best.