Career profile: Developmental Disability Nurse

April 7, 2021
There are many factors when considering the job of a Developmental Disability Nurse (ddn) ; the duties of the profession and the earning potentials, along with the job training.
“Learning to take care of those individuals who can’t care for themselves gives you an idea, and opens doors to many experiences. For example, I took PROUD. PROUD has been an engaging course in many ways. First of all, it has shown me how to work with students who struggle a little more than others.(Larson) Also, it has shown me to have patience, be caring, and become more open-minded. Learning more about what they struggle with daily, gives you more of an idea of how to help them. During my experience of helping out my students, I’ve learned to be more creative and look at things differently.”(Larson).In addition to taking care of individuals, this is more of a lifestyle. Everyone should be treated equally and by maintaining equality we try to give them the love and encouragement that they deserve. They are like any ordinary human being and showing them their self-worth helps us continue to strive for the best every day. We all have our challenges but our job when assisting them is to guide them through theirs. This makes it less of a challenge for them in their daily lives. I, personally do the best of my ability to help my students no matter the situation. I am always looking for unique ways to help them help themselves. This helps create a stronger bond with my students. Not only is encouragement a great component, but attitude is very important as well. It’s good to keep in mind that a “good attitude“ won’t help them solve their problems but can definitely give them that extra piece of confidence.
As of 2019, licensed practical/vocational nurses earned a median salary of $47,480, while registered nurses took home an annual median income of $73,300.(BLS reported)
Keeping up with the year, that was last year’s salary this year. As of Oct 28, 2020, the average annual pay for a Developmental Disability Nurse in the United States is $52,603 a year.(ZipRecruiter). When talking about salary we are also talking about those who get paid good based on their skills and the amount of year of experience, those who have those things get the advantage of bigger pay and have more opportunities to things, so when working with these kids, it’s best to always take open opportunities to learn when their is for example activities to learn more about them or take care of them when needed. Just work with them when it’s needed.
As we all know when it comes to job training we all need experience or at least is best to know about job training. Developmental disability nurses first become registered nurses by graduating from an accredited nursing program and earning an associate’s degree in nursing, a bachelor of science degree in nursing, or a diploma in nursing.( After joining they must take 2 years working with these kids or those patients with disabilities. When working with them they need amazing communication skills. When job training some of the tasks include helping patients eat and teaching movement and language skills. Development disability nurses are one of a number of professionals who are involved with providing services to their clients, and they must coordinate with other professionals to ensure patients are receiving appropriate care.( You wanna act if they are your own. You want to take care of these patients with care and respect. It carries many boundaries to doing things and requires a lot of thinking.
There are many factors when considering the job of a Developmental Disability Nurse (ddn) ; the duties of the profession and the earning potentials, along with the job training.