Seniors make final push to earn HS credits
Bremen’s counselors recognize seniors who have submitted college acceptance letters. The honored students heard their names announced and also received a special treat from the PPS department. All seniors are encouraged to submit their post-high school acceptance letters to their counselors to be eligible for this recognition.
February 25, 2022
Are you counting down how many days you have left at Bremen? Many Bremen seniors are doing just that!
“I am looking forward to graduation because I wanted to have one more summer experience before I become a full on college student with more responsibilities,” senior Saray Ramirez said.
In addition to counting their days left, seniors also should be paying special attention to the requirements needed to graduate.
It is important for all to know that the school year consists of two semesters; each semester is divided into two terms for reporting grades. A credit is earned by the satisfactory completion of two semesters of work in a course. The credit value of each course is indicated in the course descriptions included in the Bremen High School district handbook.
A prerequisite is a course and/or other criteria, which must be completed before certain other courses may be taken. Counselors can explain that students are required to take certain prerequisites before taking classes they may want to take.
There are specific graduation requirements needed to walk across the stage. The Regular Curriculum fulfills all state course requirements for graduation; successful completion leads to the regular diploma.
As far as the Regular Curriculum goes, Bremen students will need the following:
English – 4 credits
Mathematics – 3 credits
Science – 3 credits
Social Studies – 3 credits
Physical Education/Health – 4 credits (Pass Health and a course with a Personal Wellness Plan
Personal Finance – 0.5 credit
Digital Literacy – 0.5 credit
Electives – 4.5 credits
Total Credits Needed for Graduation: 22 credits
There is also something also known as the Challenge Curriculum which requires 24 credits. The Challenge Curriculum also requires 2.0 world language credits earned in high school.
Mrs. Bonebrake, Bremen guidance counselor, also reminds students that regardless of the diploma a student qualifies for, each student must also take the SAT examination as a condition for graduation and pass the United States/Illinois Constitution test. Furthermore, students have to complete the FAFSA or the FAFSA opt-out form in order to graduate.
In addition to earning credits during the regular school day and year, there is an alternative Delta Academy, Evening High School Program and a summer term available for students to take advantage of if they happen to be short credits.
If anyone has any questions about the graduation requirements, feel free to contact any of the school counselors in the PPS office.
Graduation is a time for seniors to celebrate all they have accomplished and all they have to look forward to as they make their own decisions in life.
“I’m looking forward to being independent and living on my own,” senior Roxana Mendez said.
All seniors can benefit from making the right decisions as they end their Bremen career and graduate with Pride!