“Death of a Hot Sauce Salesman” showcases Bremen talent

The cast of the fall play enjoys acting on stage at Friday nights performance of Death of A Hot Sauce Salesman

photo submitted

The cast of the fall play enjoys acting on stage at Friday night’s performance of “Death of A Hot Sauce Salesman”

Aldo Pozos, Echo reporter

The Bremen Theater has come back for a new fall play this year in 2022. Mr. Rybarczyk and Mr. Melidona are the sponsors.  Mr. Salgado runs the staging and lighting for the play.  

The play is entitled “Death of a Hot Sauce Salesman.” Auditions were held on August 24th, 2022. 

The fall play is about an old man who owns a rich business that makes hot sauce. This man finds out someone in his family is trying to do him harm to take his money and recipe for his amazing sauce. 

Rehearsals have been proven to be filled with fun experiences and a ton of talent on stage! The rehearsals last about 2-6 hours and are usually 2-4 days a week. 

During rehearsals the members learn stage directions; they also learn how to say certain lines. Sometimes the cast members have to sing or dance.  There are other instances where the cast members have to practice having an accent! 

By being a part of the Bremen theater, the members have so much to do.  The rehearsals usually take place in room 124A, 116, and on the stage!

Performances of “Death of a Hot Sauce Salesman,” were Nov. 3 – 5.